Costa Rica Birding tour on a Budget

Day 1: Arrival – Hotel Robledal

Upon arrival you will be welcomed by a representative of Aratinga Tours and  transferred to HOtel Country Inn & Suites, conveniently located at only 15 minutes from the airport. In the gardens you can expect some common birds of Costa Rica like Hoffman’s Woodpecker, Rufous-naped Wren, Great Kiskadee,…

Day 2 + 3: OTS biological station of La Selva

To start your Costa Rica birding tour you will head towards the Caribbean lowlands en route passing by the vast wilderness of Parque Nacional Braulio Carillo. You will spend the next days in “La Selva”. This is one of the most famous biological stations in the neotropics and one of the classic and most productive places for birdwatching in Costa Rica, where you will be spoiled with colorful birds like  Parrots (up to 9 species including the possible endangered Great Green Macaw), Trogons, Tanagers and Toucans (up to 3 species) at the forest edge. Besides that you will have access to an extensive trail system penetrating  a beautiful piece of lowlands virgin rainforest in which you can expect some of the more elusive typical forest birds like Tinamous, Manakins, Woodcreepers and Antbirds. On day 3 you will be joined by a private birdguide for an early birdwalk.

Day 4 + 5: Rio Celeste area – Heliconias Lodge

Heliconias Lodge is a small lodge quietly located a little outside of the small town of Bijagua at the base of the Tenorio Volcano. This is a very diverse area in avifauna with an interesting mix of species and one of the best places in the country to look for members of the unique Antbird family with chances for Thicket Antpitta, Ocellated Antbird, Bicolored Antbird and Spotted Antbird. Other great local specialties include the rare Yellow-eared Toucanet and Tody Motmot. On day 5 you will be offered an exciting half day private birdwalk on the hanging bridges trail through the rainforest with a local bird expert.

Day 6 + 7: La Ensenada Lodge

Passing the continental divide you will all of a sudden enter a complete different world of dry pasturelands and savannas. This produces a completely different habitat and set of birds. You will stay in the isolated La Ensenada Lodge from where you will have access to the veach, mangroves, extensive pasturelands and pieces of tropical dry forest. Here you can see some of the typical birds of the dry Northwest including Turqoise-browed Motmot, Black-headed Trogon, White-throated Magpie Jay and Orange-fronted Parakeet. On Day 7 you will go on a private boattour on the Golfo de Nicoya in search of seabirds like Brown Pelicans, Magnificent Frigatbirds, Royal Tern and with some luck also Black Skimmers…also some mangrove birds can be expected (Herons, Kingfishers, shorebirds,…)

Day 8 + 9: Parque Nacional Carara: Cerro Lodge

Cerro Lodge is an isolated lodge that offers simple but clean accommodations with great views of Parque Nacional Carara and its surroundings. Parque Nacional Carara is another must-do for birding tours in Costa Rica. The national park protects one of the last natural stands of transitional forest between tropical dry forest of the northwest and tropical wet forest in the southeast. Birds to look out for are Orange-collared Manakin, Baird’s Trogon, Streak-chested  Antpitta, Riverside Wren, Royal Flycatcher and the spectacular Scarlet Macaws. On day 9 in the morning you will make a guided private birdwalk in Parque Nacional Carara in search of the local specialties; in the afternoon you will enjoy the boatride on the Tarcoles River where you can expect many herons, ibises, kingfishers and will have a chance to spot the endemic Mangrove Hummingbird…

Day 10 + 11: Dominical – Hacienda Barú

In Hacienda Barú you will stay in simple but clean bungalows at the edge of the rainforest and at about 200 m from a beautiful tropical white sand beach with coconut palms and rainforest in the background. A well-maintained trail system brings you through primary and secondary rainforest where you can see the beautiful Yellow-throated Toucan, and Fiery-billed Aracari’s, colorful Tanagers and troops of White-faced Capuchin Monkeys. On day 11  a guided birdwalk through the reserve is scheduled.

Day 12 + 13: Talari Mountain Lodge

Talari Mountain Lodge is a small lodge a little outside of San Isidro del General surrounded by quiet gardens packed with birds including Lesson’s Motmot, Red-crowned Woodpecker, Green Honeycreepers, Roadside Hawks and many more…Fruit feeders attract colorful birds that are easy to approach. On day 13 we will schedule exciting birdtour for you around the Aracari Birddeck in the nearby Quizara. Here, your local guide will help you to spot Turqoise Cotinga, Speckled Tanager, Fiery-billed Aracari, Orange-collared Manakin, Bay-headed Tanager, Olivaceous Piculet and many more…

Day 14 + 15: Cerro de la Muerte – Quetzal’s Paradise Lodge

Your trip will continue through the endemic rich area of the Cerro de la Muerte. You will stay at around 2500 masl in the Quetzal’s Paradise lodge. Here you will be in the middle of the cloudforest with dramatic views of the surrounding mountain scene. Several trails give access to the cloudforest where you might see the spectacular Resplendent Quetzal and can spot many (near-)endemic bird species like Spangle-cheeked Tanager, Black Guan, Collared Redstart and Yellow-thighed Finch among many others. Sugarfeeders attract several highland hummingbirds including the colorful and rare Fiery-throated Hummingbird, tiny Volcano Hummingbird and Magnificent Hummingbird. On day 15 you will go on a birdwalk in search of the Quetzal and other local specialties.

Day 16 + 17: airport – Hotel Country Inn

You will end in Hotel Country Inn, conveniently located at only 10 minutes from the airport. At the end of day 16 your rental car will be picked up at the hotel. On day 17 you will be transferred to the airport. End of trip.

What is included ?

  • All accommodations in double rooms
  • In all lodges / hotels there is a breakfast included per night
  • English meet and greet at airport + private-transfer to first hotel on day 1 and to airport on day 17.
  • Half-day birding excursions with English speaking birdguides as mentioned above, always including entrance fees
  • Rental Car: Geely GX3 4 x 2 with automatic transmission (or similar) from day 2 until day 16. Including full cover insurance, mobile router that generates Wi-Fi signal .
  • Detailed information package: practical information, background information+ checklist of birds of Costa Rica
  • Access to English-speaking help-desk of Aratinga Tours during your Costa Rica tour. 7 days a week, during office hours

Extra costs

  • Personal expenses
  • International flight
  • Tips for local guides

Price (per person, with 2 persons participating,  staying in double rooms) : 

  • May 1st – June 30th 2024: 2125 usd
  • July 1st – August 31st 2024: 2300 usd
  • September 1st – October 31st 2024: 2125 usd
  • November 1st 2024- April 30th 2025: 2440 usd
  • May 1st – June 30th 2025: 2175 usd
  • July 1st – August 31st 2025: 2400 usd
  • September 1st – October 31st 2025: 2175 usd

If you prefer not to drive a rental car, please ask a quote for transportation by private transfers at

For bookings and questions please contact us: or through Whatsapp